Monday, September 25, 2006

There are more questions than answers
I had a head cold over the weekend which meant taking to my bed with a hot lemsip instead of a hot nympho which made a change as normally it's a hot chocolate instead of a hot nympho. As I sat in bed moaning to myself and occasionally sneezing my fillings out; I channel hopped, my brain unable to focus for more than a few seconds on any one thing. After a while I got the distinct impression that the TV was talking to me, it seemed to be illiciting my views on numberous topics which I had never really displayed an interest in.
At first I thought I'd gone on a Lockets based trip of some kind but slowly it dawned on me that it was the adverts, almost every second one started with a question - "does searching for car insurance drive you crazy?" "do you want more shine in your hair?" "does your partner suffer from erectile dysfunction?" and on and on. In case you're wondering my answers to the above are: No. I don't drive. Possibly it's manageable but it could do with a little more shine and no, my partner is female and made of rubber so I hope not. What I don't get is why advertisers feel the need. Their job is to convince us to use the products not come to us like Oliver Twist asking for more.
I can't believe I'm saying this but I demand more Machiavelian scheming and psychological trickery from the ad men, to make me purchase things I have no possible use for, and less requests for my opinion. Otherwise how can I continue to feel morally superior to them? - Well? I'm asking you a question!


Blogger Unknown said...

Have you been watching too much daytime TV?

September 28, 2006  

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